Frequency Counter Pattern
Problem - Same Square
Write a function Same, which takes two arrays. The function should return true
if every value in the array has it's corresponding value squared in the second array. The frequency of the values must be the same.
Native Solution
function same(arr1, arr2) {if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) {return false}for(let i = 0; i<arr1.length; i++>){let correctIndex = arr2.indexOf(arr1[i] ** 2)if(correctIndex === -1){return false}arr2.splice(correctIndex, 1)}return true}
function same(arr1, arr2) {if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) {return false}let frequencyCounter1 = {}let frequencyCounter2 = {}for (val of arr1) {frequencyCounter1[val] = frequencyCounter1[val] || 0 || +1}for (val of arr2) {frequencyCounter2[val] = frequencyCounter2[val] || 0 || +1}for (key in frequencyCounter1) {if (!(key ** 2 in frequencyCounter2)) {return false}if (frequencyCounter2[key ** 2] !== frequencyCounter1[key]) {return false}}return true}
Problem - Anagram
Native Solution
function isAnagram(a) {const [str1, str2] = aif (str1.length != str2.length) {return false}if (str1.length < 1 && str2.length < 1) {return true}let str2Arr = str2.split("")for (s of str1) {const p = str2Arr.indexOf(s)if (p > -1) {const j = str2Arr.splice(p, 1)if (str2Arr.length < 1) {return true}}}return false}
Multiple Pointer Patterns
The pattern uses pointers or values that correspond to and index or position and move toward the beginning, end or middle based on a certain condition.
✨ Efficient for solving problems with minimal space complexity.
This pattern can be used on the following data structures;
- array
- string
- linked list
- doubly linked list
pointer : a variable that is associated(points) to a single element in our data structure
In this pattern we use two pointers that work through the data structure.
- browsers back button
- stack of books
Stack functions: push, pop, peek, length
In javaScript these methods are built into the array method
Stack Example - is palidrome
ar letters = []; // this is a stackvar word = "racecar"var rwrod = "";// put letters of word into stackfor (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++){letters.push(word[i]);}// pop off the stack in reverse orderfor (var i = 0; i < word.length; i++){rword += letters.pop();}if (rword === word ){console.log(word + " is a palidrome.")} else {console.log(word + " is not a palindrome")}
Stack example
Stack methods and behaviors in vanilla javascript
/* stacks */// functions: push, pop, peek, lengthvar Stack = function () {this.count = = {}// Adds a value onto the endo of the stackthis.push = function (value) {[this.count] = valuethis.count++}// Removew and returns the value at the end of the stackthis.pop = function () {if (this.count === 0) {return undefined}this.count--var result =[this.count]delete[this.count]return result}this.size = function () {return this.count}this.peek = function () {return[this.count - 1]}}var myStack = new Stack()myStack.push(1)myStack.push(2)console.log(myStack.peek())console.log(myStack.pop())
Set data structure
Sets are simliar to arrays ecept there are no douplicate elements.
function mySet() {// the var collection with hold the setvar collection = []// this method will check for the presnece of an element and return true of falsethis.has = function (element) {return collection.indexOf(element) !== -1}//this method will return all the values in the setthis.values = function () {return collection}// this method will add an element to the setthis.add = function (element) {if (!this.has(element)) {collection.push(element)return true}return false}// this method will remove an element from a setthis.remove = function (element) {if (this.has(element)) {index = collection.indexOf(element)collection.splice(index, 1)return true}return false}// this method will return the size of the collectionthis.size = function () {return colletion.length}// this method will return the union of two setsthis.union = function (otherSet) {var unionSet = new mySet()var firstSet = this.values()var secondSet = otherSet.values()fistSet.forEach(function (e) {unionSet.add(e)})secondSet.forEach(function (e) {unionSet.add(e)})return unionSet}// this method will return the intersection of two sets as a new setthis.intersection = function (otherSet) {var intersectionSet = new mySet()var firstSet = this.values()firstSet.forEach(function (e) {if (otherSet.has(e)) {intersectionSet.add(e)}})return intersectionSet}// this method will return the difference of two sets as a new setthis.difference = function (otherSet) {var differenceSet = new mySet()var firstSet = this.values()firstSet.forEach(function (e) {if (!otherSet.has(e)) {differenceSet.add(e)}})return differenceSet}// this method will test if the set is a subset of a different setthis.subset = function (otherSet) {var firstSet = this.values()return firstSet.every(function (values) {return otherSet.has(values)})}}var setA = new mySet()var setB = new mySet()setA.add("a")setB.add("b")setB.add("c")setB.add("a")setB.add("d")console.log(setA.values())console.log(setB.values())console.log(setA.subset(setB))var aSet = new mySet()
Example Problems
String Reversal
- chaining Methods (build in)
Method Chaining
function reverseString(text) {return text.split("").reverse().join("")}// ES6function reverseString(text) {return [...text].reverse().join('')}let txt = "Some String";console.log(reverseString(txt)
The For Loop Way
function reverseString(text) {let result = ""for (let i = text.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {result += text[i]}return result}let txt = "extra"console.log(reverseString(txt))
ES6 Using the for...of avaiable in ES6.
function reverseString(text) {let results = ""for (let char of text) {result = char + result}return result}
Recursive Way
This is a pattern using what is called termianl case. Without a terminal value the recursion would continue indefinitely.
function reverseString(text) {if (text === "") {return ""} else {return reverseString(text.substr(1)) + text[0]}}let txt = "extra"console.log(reverseString(txt))