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C++ General Notes

Date Created: 2017/12/16

Last Update: 2022/12/15

#c++ #notes

Dev Log - 2017 TL:DR

I have begun exploring C++ with the goal of developing a strong foundation in code programming concepts.

I initially attacked the development space with javaScript as my phylinx. But, I have now called into question whether or it is the best median for understanding of core concepts that I have begun to run into as I have explored the space further. Therefore, I have decided to mirror to a degree the current method of learning core concepts. Hence the beginning of this journal.

note: At this point I am not convinced this was the wrong approch. Though, at this point there is enough reason to explore the benefits of learning c++

As I have been exploring the software development space I will not go into the reasons behind my desire to be a proficient programer here.


C++ Basics

C++ fully supports the four pillars of object oriented development

  • encapsulation
  • data hiding
  • inheritance
  • polymorphism

ANSI : this standard ensures C++ complies without error on Mac, UNIX, Windows and Alpha


object : objects have states and behaviors. An object is a instance of a class. : Example: A dog has a state - color, name, breed and behaviors - wagging, barking, eating.

class : a class is a a template/blueprint that describes the behaviors/states

methods : a method is a behavior. Classes can contain methods. Logic and data manipulation and actions are executed.

instance variables : an objects state is created by the values assigned to these instance variables.

Semicolons and Blocks C++

A logical entity in C++ must end with a semicolon. The semicolon is a statement terminator.

int x = 5;
int y = x + 4;
int add( x, y){
return x + y;

Reserved Words

| | | | | | ------------ | --------- | ---------------- | -------- | | asm | else | new | this | | auto | enum | operator | throw | | bool | explicit | private | true | | break | export | protected | try | | case | extern | public | typedef | | catch | false | register | typeid | | char | float | reinterpret_cast | typename | | class | for | return | union | | const | friend | short | unsigned | | const_cast | goto | signed | using | | continue | if | sizeof | virtual | | default | inline | static | void | | delete | int | static_cast | volatile | | do | long | struct | wchar_t | | double | mutable | switch | while | | dynamic_cast | namespace | template |


Data-types & memory allocation chars and their numeric values implicit and explicit conversion

//static cast
int num1 = 5 + static_cast<int>(12.75);
double num1 = static_cast<double>(5) + 12.75;
char x = static_cast<char>(65);


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