Notes and Reference SQL Language
SQL Categories
DML :Data Manipulation Language
DDL :Data Definition language
DBMS Database Management System
- oracle
- MySql
- SQLlite
Quick Reference
📒 Note SQL is not case sensitive but it is general practice to distinguish fields
- not case sensitive
- not white space sensitive
- not semi collen sensitive (officially it should)
Though the addition of each of these formats are best practice and general convention.
- String values in SQL are surrounded in single quotes
- equality is a single =
Select statement
SELECT * FROM table;-- returns all columns from some tableSELECT * FROM table WHERE condition-- returns all columns from some table where a condition is metSELECT * FROM database.table WHERE condition-- in some cases the database needs to be specified, though many SQL databases server have default databases that a query will be aplied to
Examples Select:
SELECT FirstName FROM Employee;-- returns Firstname column from employeeSELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employee;-- returns 2 columns FirstName and LastNameSELECT * FROM Employee;-- returns all columns from employee tableSELECT * FROM Employee WHERE LastName = 'Smith';-- returns all columns where lastname is equal to Smith
Insert Statement
INSERT INTO table (a,b,c)VALUES (1,2,3)ORDER BY b;
Update Statement
UPDATE table SET a = 7, b =5;
Delete Statement
DELETE FROM table WHERE a = 7;
Record match query
The Where clause is the predicate. Where is boolian. It is either true of false
Popular SQL databases
Upon download of dng mySQL shell and mySQL utilities expose mysql/bin to shell of choice
mySQL shell path and mySQL utilities path on system
usr/local/mysql/bin && usr/local/mysql-shell/bin
navigate to shell profiles .bashrc, .bash_profile or .zshrc add
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql-shell/binexport PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/mysql/bin
Open terminal of choice
mysql -u user-name -p
prompt for password
Sucess, we have entered the mysql shell
> shell mysql show databases;//shows list of db's in current server
Notes on NoSQL Databases
Popular SQL databases
Resources and Reference
Notes within this doc have been drawn from the following sources: